Saturday, February 9, 2008

:: 'till fa(i)t(h)e do us part ::

Dear Luv,
Have you ever asked God's plan? What if ...

Nias lovely Nias, home sweet hell...

Yup, here I am, amidst the agas and semalambuo (spelling please...). Setelah seharian berjamur di Cengkareng kemarin, hari ini dku tiba di Nias. Ah, kembali ke pulau ini, kembali ke jaman batu. Sebenarnya enggak buruk-buruk kali sih, ada tawa canda teman-teman, ada jus (a)pokat nya TipTop, ada pantai, ada keheningan yang menantang.

Ah rindu --yang disertai kejengkelan-- yup, am still trying to figure out what's on his mind. Setelah memutuskan utk berkompromi dengan segala ke-absurd-an sikapnya, ternyata dku masih sering emosi juga. Ah...

Dunno how long this absurdity will last, one thing for sure, we'll walk this path better, or frustate trying, 'till fa(i)t(h)e do us part.

The taste of his cigar has changed, not bitter nor sweeter, yet enough to feed my restlessness. I wish... damn wish not only the cigarette that changed but he... his ignorance too.

wish you were here and share me his ignorance. Miss him much!

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