Monday, October 19, 2009


"What we do, echoing eternity", quoted from Maximus - Gladiator

Isn’t it lovely? An exclamation in the anteroom of death. Such exclamation, instead of brought them to die, brought them to live a victory.

I watched Gladiator last night. It was ... more than great, no... not merely the film production but more on the Maximus’ life, passion and loyalty to Rome. He finally died because of his Rome and more than died --for death’ll bring him to ones he fight for-- his son and wife were killed for no reason by Rome. Ironic. But, he did... echoing eternity for what he’s done.

Then I come to a thinking. Will my deed echoing eternity? or it will just become shadow and dust?



Monday, March 30, 2009

a Turkish proverb

Dear Luv,

A Turkish proverb said:

Coffee should be black as hell,
strong as death and sweet as love.


story 1: perkenalan

Dear Luv,

Aku punya cerita, hanya sebuah cerita pendek yang menyenangkan. I hope you enjoy it.

Sebuah bel berdenting nyaring ketika kami berkenalan, aku teringat akan suara kerincing kunci biara bertahun silam ketika nafas masih murni oleh embun pagi. Matamu berkilat ketika aku menyampaikan tanya lewat tatapan, oh okay that was the answer then, I got it. Kita sering berbicara tapi bukan lewat kata-kata yang jujur, hanya tatapan yang menusuk dan senyum yang menyayat.

Dimana dia yang lain?
Entah, jawabmu sambil lalu.

Aku tersenyum dan menyilakannya duduk. Mungkin kami akan lebih sering bertemu selama jalannya masih bersilangan dengan jalanmu.



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

simple bitter things

Dear Luv,

Sometimes there are things that meant to make us feel bitterness of life, the big stuffs like:

  • Broken heart. For those ever had this in life will agree, undoubtly.
  • Lost the loved ones. Absolutely, no comment to this
to simple things, like:
  • getting bad examination result
  • got fired, whatever reasons will be hard to deal with
  • losing thing(s) that we wanted badly (ooowh...)
  • sickness
  • cold coffee
Well, what can you add?


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

old issue: do I need to grow up?

Dear Luv,

It's been ages since we talked. We do have conversation all the time, but "talk"?
It's about the time to review my intention to stay "never-grow-up". I mean, do I really... really need to grow up? Isn't life beautiful already?

The conversation traveled from a corner in my parents' house back home to a room in a crowded flat in a country's capital. Same topic different persons, different places, different times.

"you don't! it will just add to your responsibility and age.. nothing more ahaha!," said her.

Well, maybe I can live with that answer, for now.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

disturbing behavior @ the library

Dear Luv,

Kamu tau salah satu hal that I hate most? Yup, disturbance to peace at the library.
Saat sedang (berusaha) untuk konsentrasi pada Juliet Mitchell's Woman's Estate di perpus pasca, yang mana memang tempatnya seorang yang berusaha berpikir dan membuat makalah seperti saya akan ditemukan --and am not the only one here looking for peace and focus, datanglah serombongan manusia membuat keributan dengan alibi mencari referensi.

Yang mereka lakukan sederhana:
1. mengobrol with high tone and berbarengan diiringi cekikikan dan tawa riang, instead of satu-satu and bisik-bisik. And trust me, isi obrolannya tentang acara nonton salah satu anggota gerombolan yg ditimpali yg lain dengan semangat perjuangan.
2. menerima telepon, preceded by suara ringtone yg menggema ke seluruh ruang baca. And it was a jedhug-jedhug kinda ringtone so you know what I mean by menggema here.

...and here I am, still trying to get my focus back to my paper. Gosh!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nona manis siapa yang punya?

Dear Luv,

“Nona manis siapa yang punya? Nona Manis siapa yang punya? Yang punya ibu saya...”

Hey, that’s new. Begitu pikirku ketika mendengar lagu itu dimainkan oleh tukang odong-odong yang lewat. Lagu anak-anak mengalami perubahan rupanya. Sepuluh atau lima belas tahun yang lalu lagu itu masih berlirik: “Nona manis siapa yang punya? Nona manis siapa yang punya? Yang punya kita semua...” hmm... kenapa berubah ya? mungkin karena terpengaruh yang sedang kupelajari aku jadi tergelitik untuk membahas ini :D

Pikiran pertama, karena nona manis bukan lagi milik semua orang, kalau milik semua bisa dilecehkan sembarangan dunk. Kalau ibu yang punya kan gak akan kenapa-kenapa, lha kan ibunya sendiri. Hukum positivistik berlaku di sini, mana ada sih induk macan yang bakal makan anaknya sendiri. Pertanyaannya: percayakah anda pada hukum positivistik?

Kedua, lagi-lagi masih pikiran bodohku, karena masih nona jadi punya ibunya (bukan punya bapaknya ya?) tapi kalo besok udah menikah ya jadi punya suaminya kali ya? kan bukan nona lagi tapi “nyonya manis siapa yang punya? nyonya manis siapa yang punya? yang punya suami saya...”. Pertanyaannya: kapan dunk dia memiliki dirinya sendiri?

Ketiga, kesimpulanku selain kasihan banget si nona yang someday jadi nyonya itu adalah, ada sebuah sistem yang secara otomatis menampung setiap manusia dengan label perempuan sejak sel telur dan sperma bertemu. Sistem harapan, sistem bahasa, sistem warna, sistem gaya, sistem perilaku, sistem... semuanya! Dan sungguh gila kalau kita mau membuat daftarnya, bisa-bisa tembok Cina kalah panjang deh.

Oh well, ada baiknya kita nanya ke tukang odong-odong kali ya?


Saturday, February 14, 2009

a story to wrap up, just a thought

Dear Luv,

A story would be nice to wrap things happened and will happen along our journey, isn't? A story that neither of us could tell which one is real and which one is dream. Well, dream and reality sometimes are only a word away, right? A story that will tell us what happen next and if we are lucky, we might get the answer.

It's been damn long time since I wanted to write a story about this life, about you, about me, about him, about her, about them, about this world and anything that comes with it, and with us, and with them, and with his, and with hers. But, I haven't got the gig, you know. Perhaps someday or today, and I'll let you know.

Meanwhile, let me know yours. So let our minds open, evolve and produce...
