Monday, July 18, 2011

an egg sandwich on a back seat of a taxi

Dear Luv,

As I am writing this, I remember my breakfast this morning, it was an homemade egg sandwich. Yummy. And my stomach started to growl again, ha! I enjoy writing as much as I enjoy food and travelling. In many ways it's interesting, though sometimes tiring, boring and feel like I had enough. Perhaps that the reason why I haven't written much lately.

Speaking of travel, I traveled last week. Only a short trip to a place where modernity, logic and mature blend, and I was wondering of post-modernity while going to that place. Not the shortest trip, neither a comprehensive travel. The only comprehensive conversation happened on my way back to the airport. The 45 minutes talk on the back seat of a taxi brought my mind away to pages of post-modernity somewhere in the library's books.

The driver, a Chinese-Buddhist middle-aged man. He talked much about pluralism in his country and how he defined himself as a Chinese-Buddhist man in the world of modern-plural-advance minded small country. As long as I could remember, he talked more than I did. It was good, though. Everything is neat, clean, rules are obeyed, people seem satisfy with all circumstances, and things are on its each tracks and speed. 

The plurality mixed, mingle but not blend. They are who they are. No border, but race and ethnic define. Life is on harmony. It's sandwich. But hey, it seems like a dry and crisp life, Red's Dad said. Flat, I said. Well, everything on its price. Nothing is free. 

Does it what people wanna have in the citizenship life and our relation to our state? Rules and regulations are obeyed, low criminality, neat and orderly living, high income, good job, good housing and clothing... what's missing from the list? What are we thinking when quality of life comes across our mind? What will we put as criteria and priority?

The conversation ended as he gave me the bill. The words are echoing on my way back home: nothing is free...

For now I'll say: a delicious healthy egg sandwich and a cup of hot green tea will complete my qualified Monday morning. A qualified Monday morning, of course, includes Red waking up late, ha! And I must add here that I grilled the onion (not the usual), to gain its juice. Things need more work sometimes to return its best quality.

...and let our minds open, evolve and produce.
bon appetit,


Monday, May 9, 2011

Doris Day - Que sera sera - with Lyrics

Que Sera Sera

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.
Que Sera Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera What will be will be.
When I was young,
I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart
what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows,
day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.
Que Sera Sera Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera What will be will be.
Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother what will I be
Will I be handsome will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.
Que Sera Sera Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera SeraWhat will be will be.

Monday, January 31, 2011

candi plaosan

Dear Luv,

Di suatu sore yang hangat, dalam perjalanan pulang dari kantor, timbul sebuah ide untuk menuliskan hal-hal menyenangkan yang kulihat dalam perjalanan menuju ke kantor dan menuju pulang ke rumah. Lumayanlah, karena perjalananku cukup panjang, sepertinya bakalan ada hal-hal menarik untuk diceritakan. Ahay, karena ini adalah sebuah nirwana kecil, ya karena nirwana dunia itu niscaya.

Yet, suatu pagi yang cerah, I saw a dead cat on road, sepertinya korban tabrak lari, mungkin tak lama sebelum aku lewat. Ada yang bilang itu pertanda buruk, semoga saja tidak. Since this will only discuss about joyful things, aku tidak akan mengulas mengenai kematian tragis si kucing belang itu, semoga ia beristirahat dengan tenang. Di pagi yang lain aku melihat kecelakaan lalu lintas, and sadly, ada korban yang meninggal. It was tragic. Again, tidak akan diulas juga di sini. Kemudian, masih di pagi yang sama, selepas Delanggu, kembali aku menyaksikan kecelakaan, sepertinya tidak ada korban, hanya kaca 2 buah truk yang hancur. Hmm... hal tragis.

Eniwei, another morning has broken, another road must taken. Seperti biasa, aku kembali memulai perjalanan. It was a foggy dawn when I started my day. Tidak ada kucing mati atau kecelakaan lalu lintas. Karena suasana berkabut yang menyenangkan, aku sengaja lewat di depan Candi Plaosan, and you know what? Candi Plaosan menyembul di antara kabut, mengambang seakan tidak menyentuh tanah. Saking tertegunnya aku berhenti namun hanya sebentar, tak kuasa menahan aura mistis yang keluar. Sempat merinding sebentar, lalu kuputuskan segera melanjutkan perjalanan. Aah.. sayang, aku tak berani memotret keindahan magis itu. Sebuah niat terbersit, lain kali harus kuabadikan dalam sebuah foto, untuk kalian.

Perjalanan dilanjutkan, kabut pelahan menghilang, entah karena matahari membakarnya atau modernitas kota menelannya. Yang pasti, sore harinya, kala aku berusaha menangkap bayangan Candi Plaosan lagi, hujan deras mencegahku, terpaksa aku mempercepat laju motorku kembali pulang. Mungkin di hari lain aku sempat merekam keindahan Candi Plaosan.


red berry vs purple red

Dear Luv,

Suatu malam di televisi ada film dalam negeri yang cukup menarik settingnya, sebuah rumah petak di pinggir rel kereta di Jakarta, yang anehnya interiornya didesain bak apartemen. cukup apik. Judul filmnya sedikit gak nyambung sama ceritanya, well, ceritanya sendiri juga rada membingungkan, makanya aku browsed di jaringan maya, ternyata review yang kubaca juga gak gtu bagus. disebutkan di salah satu blog film bahwa "xxx adalah film kedua dari 'film-film warna' yyy setelah zzz yang hanya menambah daftar film buruk Indonesia." Oh well.

Eniwei, regardless its bad review, rambut si pemeran utama wanita inspired me. She dyed her hair red. Yes, it's red. Bukan maroon atau brown, tapi red. Iya, red seperti red berry. Dengan inspirasi tersebut, kemarin I decided to dye mine red, bukan red berry tapi purple red. I have not enough guts to have red berry hair haha...
