Tuesday, August 12, 2008

nothing else matters

Dear Luv,

You know that I really... really love this song. And guess what, we plan to have this song as soundtrack of our wedding vow. Am proposing Alec to play the guitar, wish me luck :)
Please listen to this and tell me what you think.

Song lyrics | Nothing Else Matters lyrics

me & bangun pagi :(

Dear Luv,

Gara-gara kesiangan pagi ini dku gak jadi nemui Romo Wi, hiks... Gimana sih caranya biar bisa bangun pagi?

For me, bangun pagi emang hal yg paling susah utk dilakukan --well, banyak sih hal laen yg lebih susah dilakukan, such as fly--- taaaapii... bangun pagi for me and some other people emang such an activity yg menyebalkan. Sebenernya apa sih alasan klo males bangun pagi?
- dingin, bikin sakit perut
- ngantukzzz....
- etc...etc...

Bangun pagi is needed anyhow, kayak hari ini misalnya, harusnya udah ketemu sama Romo Wi, jd tertunda. Pdhal klo udah kelar urusannya today kan nyicil lega, actually.

Oh well, gotta back to work.
selamat mencoba bangun pagi guys, luv


Monday, August 11, 2008

pindah tempat lagee... (aaarrgh...!) #2

Dear Luv,

How's life there?
Masihkah mencari bintang yang dulu pernah kau tunjuk? Dingin angin lautmu apakah sama dengan yang dulu pernah membawaku padamu?

Hmm... Jogja udah mulai basah, yup... hujan pertama di musim ini. Kalau Jogja udah hujan gini jadi males mau pergi. Jadi enggak semangat mau keluar dari kota ini. Jogja emang nyaman, secara lahir dan besar disini, for me gak ada kota lain yang lebih nyaman dari Jogja.

Sebenernya pindah ke kota lain emang asik, awalnya. It's a challenge. Tapi berat. Yes it is, undeniably. Adaptasi lagi, kenalan sama kanan-kiri-atas-bawah lagi. Mulai dari menyesuaikan dengan pilihan transport dan makanan yg ditawarkan sampai ke gaya bicara dan busana [ehm... busana]. Buatku yg paling berat adalah bahasa. Oh it's damn hard when you're in a place where you know nothing about its language. Masih mending kalau hurufnya latin, nah kalau huruf yunani or thailand or japanese or other form of letters that we couldn't even differentiate one from each other... it's disaster. Yup, I've been there, so I know what am talking about here. It was frustating when I completely lost in translation.

One question: what do you do when you're in such situation?
Kalau aku sih, bermodal peta setempat dan bahasa tarzan seadanya bertanya sana-sini hehehew... it helped so far, but sometimes it just went wrong :D

Speaking of pindah ke kota laen --or perhaps ke negara laen-- dengan ini kuumumkan bahwasanya dku jd mo pindah ke Ibukota teretettetetett...! Oh well, smua akan baik-baik saja. Meskipun aku tau, pindah ke Jakarta is completely different from moving to Nias or other remote places. Aku sih lebih memilih utk pindah ke remote areas, to be frankly.

Aaanyway, secara maya, aku masih di sini, menapaki jalan yang sama, namun tidak sendirian. Aku dulu selalu berpikir untuk pergi, you know what, it's hard. No matter how far I go, aku selalu kembali. Perhaps so you can find me again, so you'll see me that am fine now.

Alrite, gotta split now, need to walk this road...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

heading to the altar... #2: mapping the plan [thanks to mindmap]

Dear Luv,

Hope this letter finds you fit and fine.

I knew that preparing a wedding is tiring, I just never thought it could be this hard, mentally rather than physically. So many... too many wishes, opinions, ideas and finally... arguments.

I used to dream to have wedding with unique and pretty details, this and that and bla-bla-bla... but now, when I am planning and preparing my own wedding many parts of that dream fade away and less important than the marriage itself.

Yes, from wedding I go to marriage. Wedding last for 2 to 3 days, and perhaps more in some cultures, but marriage --for me-- will last forever, which is quite scary actually. Imagine that you'll live with the same person for the rest of your life. You'll wake and sleep by her side. You'll see her oily face and sweat smell body in her just-wake-up mode every morning, you'll experience her ups and downs, you'll witness and have to deal with her bad side and her most unacceptable behaviors. OMG! I have to stop this or else I'll cancel my wedding haha...

I have 3 months left and I haven't completed the series of important preparation. I even haven't prepared my gown. For some brides to be, it means suicide. I guess beside getting married am also getting crazy :( oh well, everything will be okay in the end if it's not okay it's not the end.

Things that are done:
1. tuxedo for the groom to be (must take it after 17 August and send it to groom to be for fitting)
2. booking bridal (haven't pay the downpayment though, must do it soon)
3. browse some photos vendors (got a place, nego the price please!)
4. have fixed plan for the reception place (finally! must book and pay downpayment asap)
5. administrative almost done, targetted to be done this week (a must!)
Uurgh crap! Still have so much to do! How many days do I still have?

You know what, many friends are now calmer after pretty shocked with my engagement and getting married news. They get used to it somehow.

FYI, I make mindmap for my wedding project, and amazingly it helps. You may borrow mine when your time to plan your wedding come. Believe me, you'll need it badly.

Alrite, gotta split now. Gonna find the way out otherwise I'll get lost in one of the branches of wedding project in my mindmap.
