Dear Luv,
Smoga jauh lebih sehat daripada dku.
Hmm... sialnya dku masih demam, jd blom bisa menikmati Bangkok. Jangankan jalan keluar kampus, nyari makan di kantin dan masuk kelas aja harus susah payah. Batuk udah mendingan, tp pilek masih, pusing dan migrain masih, badan panas masih juga... aaarrgghhh!!!
Mana kerjaan dan PR masih banyak lagi, uuurrghh!
miss ya,
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
:: enjoy Bangkok from 4th floor ::
Monday, January 14, 2008
:: my visit to another big city; tempting atmosphere ::
Dear Luv,
You looked damn nice and acted indeed nice that night, when we had our reunion with our folks.
I have nothing new, basically. Well, am traveling these days. It's pretty much tiring, actually.
This is my second day in Bangkok, yet am having cough and stomachache. I made mistake by turning on the AC last night, and either the wrong dish I had for lunch this afternoon or the fruits. No worry, after a good rest tonight, I will be okay tomorrow.
Bangkok is just another big city. After a long queue at the immigration & visa control, I jumped into a cab and went to Kasetsart campus. Oh by the way, Suvarnabhumi is a friendly airport, you can get visa and taxi in nice way. After a fast move along the highway, I saw buildings and "welcome to Bangkok city" said the driver. "Am in Jakarta", I thought. Only the language and written products are in Thai, which has made me in complete lost of translation. Crap!
The Kasetsart Campus, where am staying and studying, is lovely. So... academical. Living in this place has brought me the desire to get my master, which is my dream these days. Translation study will definitely the one I will enroll.
The class today was fun. I have a lot to catch, but I'll be fine and try to be more focus tomorrow. My classmates are nice. Oh by the way, Rose is currently dealing with 2 books and compiling report of 6 countries project reports!! Who said am overwhelmed?
And... I feel the need to mention it, there are so many plump dogs around the campus, they are damn cute.
There were some good points I got in the class today, one is: I enjoy writing report when I have time", well... who doesn't?
One new thing is Fog Index --it's a crazy way to group people based on what they read and their education level. Phew! Gotta try that. You can find it somewhere in wikipedia.
You know what, Neil Kendrick, my instructor said "problem doesn't go away, it transform into another problem", is it true? or just a pessimistic point of view?
One problem: I have limited cash, both bath and dollar, yet I saw a bank and two money exchange. Let's try my luck tomorrow then.
These today conclusion: I enjoy this course as much as I enjoy the campus. The nuance for God sake... damn tempting! Is it a signal?
No complaint on the dinner. Delicious. Price? Just the same with we have in Indonesia.
Gotta have some rest. Good night dear.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year!
January 03, 2008
Dear Luv,
Happy New Year!
Sugeng Warsa Enggal!
It's 2008.
December has passed and yet I said nothing about the question. Like I said months ago, moment nya udah lewat, pertanyaan itu udah keselip entah di antara lembar-lembar cerita yang menumpuk berdebu di sudut angan.
Ah sudahlah, mari memulai tahun yang baru dengan resolusi baru. Hmm... speaking of resolution, niatnya sih mo kontemplasi di tempat libur kemarin tp pada kenyataannya eh malah bermain air ria haha... kehujanan gtu loh. Jd resolusi dibuat dalam hati saja. Isi resolusiku taon ini gak jauh beda dengan tahun lalu kok, cuma level kepentingannya lebih urgent wekwkqkq... Ya secara Ibunda udah wanti-wanti, so I must get hurry.
Aannywaaay, liburan kemaren berhasil kami lalui dengan baik, sehat dan...!! despite the long way to go, cost and flood along the way... we really...really... had fun!
Hmm... poto-potonya menyusul yakk, soalnya blom sempat download dari kamera. waah... last trip was really fun. Psstt... I bought a new gown, it's maroon .
Gotta split, masih mo nerusin kerjaan sebentar sebelum siap-siap buat reunian kita ntar malam hehe... can't wait to meet you, smoga kamu jadi datang.